1 Norma - index
Company info

Audit firm NORMA was founded in 1994 by auditors, accountants and lawyers. High qualification of our team is based on 20 years of experience in audit and accountant field.

Our company provides a wide range of services in the sphere of audit, tax and financial consultation, accountant audit and taxation, financial planning and IFRS.

Being professional advisors we provide solutions to our clients  in business, risks management and performance improvement.

We are proud that our services help our clients in terms of increasing transparency, trust and consistency of business.

Our core values are efficiency, ethics and professionalism.

We do work and are looking forward to partnership with all the companies which are in need of professional services in consulting, auditing and accounting.

We run our business in accordance with the applicable Law of Ukraine, International audit standards, and bylaws of "AUDITING FIRM NORMA" LLC.

 Sincerely yours, General Director Dmytro Deshunin


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Audit firm Norma
1-3 Kyrylivska St., Kyiv
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What our clients say about us
"Association "Stock Partnership" (previously - PFTS Association) was founded in February 1996 and today is one of the numerous and most influential associations of professional participants in the securities market, which has received recognition among public authorities and investors in the securities market, both in Ukraine and abroad. Specialists of "Audit firm NORMA" are involved not only in permanent support of the Association, but also take part in working groups for drafting laws and regulations governing the securities market. Partner’s offers always are constructive and help to ensure the proper legal regulation of the securities market in Ukraine.  "
Association "Stock Partnership", Irina Zarya
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