казино filterscripts

Aug 16, 2011 [Filterscript] Sa:Mp Guitar Hero *UNIQUE* *0.3d RC4 or higher* *10/Oct/2011* - Duration: 8:14. by Pablo Borsellino 7,103 views. 8:14.В казино есть специальная переодевалка для Менеджеров и Крупье (пикап), Убраны стандартные боты из Казино, - Разные Сборка FilterScripts Jul 15, 2015 If you use FilterScripts: add #include <MoneySpoofFS> to them. Compile your gamemode, filterscript. Enjoy a safe server! Info: This include 

Filter Scripts - SA-MP 2015 - SAMP

Hey guys Today, I'm releasing something new: A Slot Machine! It is exactly as the one in the casino + some features like balance + bet.